The Top Five Travel Tips

Of A Travelista
Do you desire to travel more but feel that money is a barrier? Today your in luck because I am sharing my top travel budget saving tips.

These tips will save you money on your future travels and you will be able to share with your friends and family as a true travel guru!
Hello, I am Monique Pearson The Travelogist!
I created Soaring W/O Limits Enterprises to show other woman how I got out of my own way and fulfilled my travel fantasies.

I choose not to allow fears, lack of travel companions, or language barriers deter me from accomplishing my travel goals.

If I can do it, you can do it!

I share the techniques and methods that i have used in order to explore over 30 countries and counting. The world is at your fingertips all you have to do is just reach out and grab it.

Join me and I will show you how you can plan and achieve your travel goals.
